Rape of Earth

A very very rough draft.

The Rape of Earth

I am alone. I am content. I am free.

Here they come. Slowly, slowly.

Here to stay with me.

I like the way they feel.

They treat me with respect.

To them my treasures I’ll reveal.

Days go by and still they’re here.

Sometimes they make me feel pain,

But somehow I never have fear.

Foolish, sweet, and sometimes rude

I just can’t help but love them so

I am happy to make them food

It’s been weeks and there’s a change

They hurt me more and more

This behavior is so strange

My tears are flowing, now all is wetter

I cry until there’s only one

That promises all will be better.

I cannot help but to hope it’s true

So slowly one becomes many

Just like that my love’s born anew

Quickly they begin their abuse

I do my best to keep them happy

But they don’t care if I bruise

They treat me like trash,

Use me for their needs

And burn me with their ash

Now they’ve waxed me clean

They only want control, and

To brand me with their gene

It’s too late to stop it all

I’ll never escape this bondage

I wish that humankind would fall.